The “Farming” Fitness Success Secret

Get ready to see more of this exercise 😀 

This exercise is one of the #1 things for overall health and longevity...

especially for us that are in our 40's and above...  

Soon to be Workout Hero Warrior Stephanie Travis sent me a video last week featuring the #1 Anti-aging/reverse again doctor in the world, Peter Attia, doing an interview.

 Dr. Attia's book, Outlive, has been #1 on Amazon's best seller list for a number of years now and it is a phenomenal book.

 Anywho,  In that interview, here is how Dr. Attia describes one of the best exercises of all time that help us reverse aging and stay young...  

"Carrying dumbbells..." he says, "Doing what's called the Farmers Carry. SUCH an important form of activity.

  A woman in her 40's. Should be able to carry 75% of her body weight in her hands for a minute.

  If she weighs a 100 pounds. She should be able to carry 75 pounds (37.5 in each hand) for a minute."

  The interviewer than follows up with a brilliant question...  Interviewer: "And if she CAN do that??...

 Dr. Attia: "We are confident that by the time she is in her last decade, she will have the strength to...

  ... open a jar, for example. Do the types of things that we think really matter to people."

  From there, Dr. Attia gives a nice little "Personal Training" tutorial on what to do if someone can't do that.

 Basically start with what weight you CAN handle for a minute first. Cross that minute "finish line" with said weights in your hands...

 ... then add to that weight each session.

 I LOVED getting this video from Stephanie and 100% agree with the good Doctor.

 We are 100% all about exercises and strategies that get us looking good around here.

  Workout Hero Club is awarded Eau Claire's BEST for #1 Best Looking Members after all  (According to the award given to us by the wonderful Randi 😀)  

that's not all we care about though...

 We're also about aging very gracefully -- enjoying our years and "second act", if you will now, now that our kids are getting to be all grown up and stuff.

(well mine is still a little toddler on account of wifey and I starting later at it but you know what I'm saying :) )

 When I first learned about this Farmer's Carry exercise, I thought it was the dumbest thing ever...

 I was big into the headliners of Bench Press, squats, and deadlifts, and bicep curls for the girls (I was single at the time ;) )  

There was no "maxing out the reps" with this Farmers Carry.

 No pump.

 No PR (Personal Record)

 I didn't get it.

 But did them anyway because people I knew that were really good at deadlifting practiced them religiously.

 They call them "Farmers Carry" because it is like carrying a couple of 10 gallon buckets of milk from one end of the barn to the other as each cow got milked.  

Growing up on a farm, we just simply called this exercise "work" and part of the day's activities. :)  

It's so good for your shoulders,  back, balance,  grip strength, upper traps,  lower back, core, and because you're actually moving from one location to another with some serious weight...

 ... you're legs even get in on the act.

 Even though we've been doing this move in the Club here... we should probably be doing it more, you think??

 because Peter Attia is about 1,000,000, 0000 zillion times smarter than me, be ready to see more of this awesome exercise in our adventures ahead!

 Here's the link to the video if you want to watch it yourself(it is a TikTok video just so you know... which makes me think I should be on it more often with awesome videos like this one on it :) )  

I bid you a fond farewell, a happy weekend, and never forget how good-looking you are!  (awards don't lie! ;) )

 Your Guide & biggest fan,

Mr trainer man Erick  


Not a member yet and would like some direction working in these Farmers Carries -- email me at workouthero2024 (at) with a message saying "interested" to get the ball rolling and you started on your free trial