The “Pain” Fitness Motivation Secret

Most people never stop to ask themselves this question…

“What is the core thing driving me?” 

Apparently I have stepped into a pretty hot topic with this Fitness Motivation stuff,

as quite a few people jumped all over that free mini book I sent yesterday called,

Motivation Made Easy

(if you want it, just email me at workouthero2024(at) and I’ll zip it right over!)

I totally get it and so that’s why we’ll talk about fitness motivations a bit more today.

I had an amazing workout session this morning with one of our top performing members, Ashley, and in that workout I shared how I “fell from grace.

How I turned into a chubby-hubby

Let myself go

and put on over 65 pounds of fat after being super fit.

I discovered a huge clue behind WHY that happened that I talked to her about that I’ll share with you now.

May it help you out like it did me.  

You see, back about a little over 10 years ago when my now wife and I first met and started dated…

… I was in great shape.

I was in the middle of Personal Training and Bodybuilding and

had muscles and

low body fat percentage.

But pretty much right when we started dated, I had lost that “mojo” to workout and eat right.

Started skipping workouts.

Just didn’t have that “oomph”.

That drive.

That desire.

The motivation to workout and eat healthy was gone.

So after hitting rock bottom and deciding to do something about it,

I dug big time into the psychology of fitness motivation to fix my issues

and came out astounded!

Astounded at what I had found.

You see one of the core driving factors behind a lot of our behaviors and actions is because of one of these 2 things…

  1. Avoid pain or
  2. Get pleasure

This applies to our little day to day actions and choices —

— like avoiding talking to that certain someone you know will be uncomfortable (pain)


eating that ice cream instead of veggies (pleasure… although if you follow my “Never Skip Dessert Meal Plan… you can still have your ice cream 😊)

This also applies to our big, OVERALL, behind the scenes,

practically subconscious behaviors we do too.

After a ton of deep thinking, I had realized that the main thing that drove me to

workout and eat right at a near obsessive level in being a Personal Trainer and Bodybuilder, prior to meeting my wife,

was because of PAIN.

You see, I grew up a fat, geeky, lonely loser that got beat up and picked on all the time by bullies.

No friends.

No attention from the girls.

I had huge insecurity issues and didn’t realize I had this big hole in my soul that I simply fed with fitness.

On the outside all looked good —

— I had the body, the muscles, the career of someone that looked like he was successful and accepted.

But inside I was still a mess.

Was still miserable.

Then I met the love of my life.  

My wife.

She loved me for me.

My personality.

My character.

She said that my looks and muscles and abs were just a bonus.

She had filled that void within me.

PAIN was no longer my main motivator, because this amazing woman loved and accepted me.

Problem was that I didn’t know that PAIN was my main driving factor at the time…

… and so my fitness had started to slip and I gained weight rather easily. (especially from stress eating!)

So in my transformational journey back from chubby-hubby to hot-hubby, I realized I needed a new CORE driving factor

I switched it from the previous one of avoiding PAIN on over to LOVE.

LOVE for my wife and knowing she deserved the best version of me.

LOVE for our family that we wanted to start. (this was before our son was born 👶)

LOVE for my God and Jesus that I know didn’t create me to wallow in obesity and self-misery.

But since I now know that me and “avoiding pain” was also a strong motivator –

I used that too:

… me getting away from the PAIN of being out of shape…

… disgusted with what I saw in the mirror

…. getting rid of the pain of guilt and shame

… of having my wife and family not getting the best version of me.

So there you have it.

A good fitness motivation secret for you today.

Be sure to check out that book for more if you want and I hope it helps you!

Till next time,

Your Guide,


and remember “Your awesome future awaits!”


Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you more:

Brand new?…  

Come on in to my gym and we can meet during your for zero pressure “No sweat intro”.

From this, we’ll see if we’re a good fit and you can have your free week of workouts and some other free sweet bonuses. (like that “Never Skip Dessert” Meal Plan)

Click the link here to go to my calendar and schedule yourself in for your “No sweat Introduction.” 

Already a member?…  

Keep on showing up,

staying on the Path of the Workout Hero,

and your awesome future awaits! 😊